Krajem 2022. godine provedena je anketa koja je ispitala glazbene ukuse mladih te odabire mjesta za noćne izlaske tijekom akademske godine u Rijeci.
Anketa je bila poslana u Facebook grupe dva studentska doma u Rijeci te u grupu „Rijeka Izlasci“. Ovo su rezultati.
Od 235 ispitanika, najviše ih sluša pop (58,7%). Oko pola ispitanika također sluša treš (51,1%).
Malo manje od pola ispitanika sluša narodnu glazbu/narodnjake (47,7%) i elektroničku glazbu (45,5%).
Sljedeći popularni žanrovi su rock (39,6%), zatim rap i hip-hop (30,6%) te disco (30,2%).
Kao podvrsta hip-hopa, sljedeći najslušaniji žanr među ispitanicima jest trap (23,4%). R&B (21,3%) i indie (21,3%) podjednako su popularni.
Najslablje slušani su jazz (11,9%), metal (12,8%) i punk (14%).
Najveći postotak ispitanika voli izaći u Stop Caffe & Club (43,4%), Klub Crkvu (41,3%), Rakhia Bar (37,4%), River Pub (35,7%), Modesto (34,5%) te Klub Mladih (30,6%).
Pop, treš i cajke
Čini se da u gradu ima najviše sadržaja za slušatelje popa, treša i narodnjaka. U 6 različitih barova/klubova prevladava postotak te publike. Grafovi prikazuju samo rezultate od minimalno 40%.
Stop Caffe & Bar, Modesto te Rakhia Bar općenito su najpopularniji među mladom publikom, moguće radi branda za izlaske ĐIR po Starom gradu. „ĐIR“ svakog utorka organizira izlazak po 4 bara u Rijeci, često s različitim temama i popustima na pića.
Charlie Bar na Trgu Ivana Koblera ima najodaniju publiku narodne glazbe/narodnjaka.
Caffe Bar & Night Club Lilac nije toliko popularan među ispitanicima iako je također odabir slušatelja narodnjaka.
Karolina Bar, koja se smatra jednim od kultnih klubova grada, nažalost je zatvorila svoja vrata u 2023. Zadnji je tulum na Rivi održala za doček Nove godine.
Alt scena, rock i drugi
Slušatelji punka, metala i jazza, kojih je najmanje među ispitanicima, uglavnom su u opreci sa narodnjacima jer najmanji postotak svake kategorija žanra sluša i narodnu glazbu/narodnjake. Ni jedan bar/klub nema dovoljno visok postotak slušatelja jednog od tih žanrova što znači da nijedno mjesto aktivno ne nudi takav sadržaj.
Punk je mala iznimka jer za punkere u Rijeci postoji Podrum koji održava underground punk scenu. Također, OKC Palach ima veliki postotak punk slušatelja.
Slušatelji punka (90,9%), metala (90%) i jazza (78,6%) najčešće slušaju i rock.
Rijeka je poznata kao grad rocka. Ali samo tri mjesta iz ankete pokazuju najveći postotak posjetitelja koji sluša taj žanr.
Prvi je Palach u Kružnoj ulici koji nažalost nije uvijek otvoren, već ovisi o različitim eventima. Jedan je od kultnih centara alternativne kulture u gradu. Također je mjesto s najvećim brojem slušatelja raznovrsnih žanrova.
Klub mladih je dobra alternativa za popularno mjesto za izlaske ako ne želite slušati narodnjake. Radi se o mjestu s pristupačnijim cijenama za mlade/studente koji, čini se, najčešće slušaju rock i pop, ali i treš, elektroničku i indie glazbu.
Beertija je također dobar izbor. Jedan od rijetkih pubova/klubova izvan centra grada, na Trsatu. Ima bogati program za noći izlazak, nerijetko s različitim DJ-evima, nastupima i tulumima, ali to ne isključuje i bogati program danju.
River Pub je također jedan od najpoznatijih mjesta za izlaske među ispitanicima s različitim ukusima. Najveći postotak gostiju puba slušaju pop, rock i treš. Isto vrijedi za Bačva Pub koji je jedini od ponuđenih opcija kamo gravitira malo veći postotak ljudi koji slušaju i R&B.
Elektronička glazba
Prva asocijacija s Klubom Crkva jest elektronička glazba, ali playlista zna proći kroz više žanrova u jednoj noći.
Na mjestu nekadašnjeg kultnog Života nalazi se Nemo Klub. Nemo i Manual Club imaju najmanji postotak slušatelja popa (ispod 40%). Manual funkcionira preko članstva kako bi svoj društveni prostor učinio što sigurnijim okruženjem.
Publika u Pogonu kulture ovisi o nastupu koji se tamo događa. To može varirati, od disca i indie glazbe, rocka i punka pa do rapa i hip-hopa.
Where do young people go out in Rijeka?
At the end of 2022, a survey was conducted that examined the musical tastes of young people and the choice of places for nights out during the academic year in Rijeka.
The survey was sent to the Facebook groups of two student dormitories in Rijeka and to the group “Rijeka Izlasci”. These are the results.
Out of 235 respondents, most listen to pop music (58.7%). About half of the respondents also listen to trash music (51.1%).
A little less than half of the respondents listen to folk/turbofolk (47.7%) and electronic music (45.5%).
The next popular genres are rock (39.6%), followed by rap and hip-hop (30.6%) and disco (30.2%).
As a subgenre of hip-hop, the next most listened to genre among respondents is trap music (23.4%). R&B (21.3%) and indie music (21.3%) are equally popular.
The least listened to are jazz (11.9%), metal (12.8%) and punk (14%).
The largest percentage of respondents likes to go out to Stop Caffe & Club (43,4%), Klub Crkva (41,3%), Rakhia Bar (37,4%), River Pub (35,7%), Modesto (34,5%) and Klub Mladih (30,6%).
Pop, trash and turbofolk
It seems that the city has the most content for listeners of pop, trash and (turbo)folk. In 6 different bars/clubs, a percentage of that audience prevails. The graphs show only results of at least 40%.
Stop Caffe & Bar, Modesto and Rakhia Bar are generally the most popular among the young crowd, possibly because of the brand for nights out “ĐIR po Starom gradu”. “ĐIR” organizes a night out at 4 bars in Rijeka every Tuesday, often with different themes and discounts on drinks.
Charlie Bar on Ivan Kobler Square has the most loyal (turbo)folk audience.
Caffe Bar & Night Club Lilac is not so popular among respondents, although it is also the choice of (turbo)folk listeners.
Karolina Bar, which is considered as one of the iconic clubs of the city, unfortunately closed its doors in 2023. The last party on the Riva was held for New Year’s Eve.
The alt scene, rock & other
Listeners of punk, metal and jazz, which are the least present among the respondents, are mostly in opposition to (turbo)folk music because the smallest percentage of each category of genre also listens to (turbo)folk. No bar/club has a high enough percentage of listeners of one of those genres, which means that no place actively offers such content.
Punk is a small exception because for punkers in Rijeka there is Podrum which maintains the underground punk scene. Also, OKC Palach has a high percentage of punk listeners.
Listeners of punk (90.9%), metal (90%) and jazz (78.6%) most often also listen to rock. Rijeka is known as the city of rock. But only three places from the survey show the highest percentage of visitors who listen to that genre.
The first one is Palach in Kružna Street, which unfortunately is not always open, but depends on different events. It is one of the iconic centers of alternative culture in the city. It is also the place with the largest number of listeners of various genres.
Klub Mladih/Youth Club Rijeka is a good alternative to a popular hangout if you don’t want to listen to (turbo)folk. It’s a place with more affordable prices for young people/students who seem to mostly listen to rock and pop, but also trash, electronic and indie music.
Beertija is also a good choice. One of the few pubs/clubs outside the city center, on Trsat. It has a rich program for nights out, often with different DJs, performances and parties, but this does not exclude a rich program during the day.
River Pub is also one of the most popular places to go out to among respondents with different tastes. The largest percentage of pub guests listens to pop, rock and trash. The same applies to Bačva Pub, which is the only one out of the offered options which a slightly higher percentage of people who also listen to R&B gravitate to.
Electronic music
The first association with Club Crkva is electronic music, but the playlist can go through several genres in one night.
On the site of the former iconic Život, there is Nemo Club. Nemo Club and Manual Club have the lowest percentage of pop listeners (below 40%). Manual works through membership to make its social space as safe as possible.
The audience at Pogon kulture depends on the performance that takes place there. It can vary, from disco and indie music, rock and punk to rap and hip-hop.