Na pitanje koliko su zadovoljni, na ljestvici od 1 (nimalo) do 5 (jako), većina je ispitanika odgovorila da je osrednje zadovoljna, odnosno nezadovoljna. Nešto manji postotak (33,2%) ispitanika je više nezadovoljan dok 11,5% ispitanika nije nimalo zadovoljno. To je 3 puta više ispitanika nego onih na drugoj ekstremi (3,8%) koji su jako zadovoljni onime što grad nudi.
Većina ispitanika često ili vrlo često izlaske u barove i klubove zamjenjuje s okupljanjima po stanovima.
Anketa je pokazala da većina mladih ispitanika sluša pop, treš i narodnu glazbu/narodnjake. Rijeka nudi nekoliko aktivnih mjesta za goste s tim ukusima. Kako god, to ne znači da je zadovoljstvo među slušateljima narodnjaka išta veće od onih koji ih ne slušaju.
Ako podijelimo ispitanike na one koji, međuostalom, slušaju narodnjake i one koji ih uopće ne slušaju, odgovori na ljestvici zadovoljstva od 1-5 su podjednaki s time da su oni koji ne slušaju narodnjake malo manje zadovoljni: 23,2% slušatelja narodnjaka i 17,2% onih koji ne slušaju narodnjake odgovorili su sa 4 i 5 na ljestvici, tj. da su zadovoljni ili jako zadovoljni.
Neki od komentara osoba koje slušaju i narodnjake:
„Užasan noćni zivot“
„Više prostora fali, vrlo često smo ko sardine i jeftinije cijene“
„Sve bi to moglo puno bolje.“
„Treba otvorit’ neki veći, dobar klub u Ri! :)“
„Znam da si tzv cajke izuzetno popularne, no ima nas koji bismo htjeli da se mladima više pruži rock aranžmana“
Komentari osoba koje ne slušaju narodnjake:
„Povećati broj metal,punk i rock koncerata, ostalo je sve u redu.“
„Manje cajki!“
„Više techno kulture manje cajka:)“
„Klub sa normalnom muzikom.“
„Zabranit cajke u svim lokalima“
„Ako misliš da ćeš u Rijeci moć otić na koncert nekog dobrog metal/punk/rock/blues banda ili izac na neku elektroniku npr na techno (to samo u Crkvi) ili psytrance nekakav onda bolje nemojte studirat u Rijeci (ako vam je do glazbe i izlazaka)“
„U rijeci fali klubova gdje se moze redovito izlaziti (eg.da rade bar upola cesto kao ostali nocni klubovi) i plesati na nesto drugo osim cajki“
„Sve više narodnjaka i cajki 😓“
„Smatram da s obzirom na to da je Rijeka puna studenata i mladih ljudi, nedostaje mjesta za izlaske pošto su svi navedeni objekti poprilično mali i uvijek je previše ljudi u premalom prostoru.“
Očito su mnogi nezadovoljni s brojem mjesta koji puštaju samo narodnjake dok ima nedostatka lokala i klubova koji redovito puštaju nešto drugo.
Svakako vlada opće nezadovoljstvo među mladima kada se radi o opcijama koje imaju za izlaske u Rijeci. Početkom 2023. godine zatvorio se kultni noćni bar Karolina na Rivi, a mjesta u starom gradu gdje se mladi najviše okupljaju dosta su malena.
Rijeka, često kreditiran kao grad rocka i/ili studentski grad, nema dovoljno sadržaja za studente kada se radi o noćnom životu. Za studentski grad, većina prostora koji i postoje su dosta maleni ili (pogotovo ako ne puštaju narodnjake) nemaju redovite događaje. Osim broja i veličine klubova, problem je i lokacija.
„Blizina i dostupnost klubova studentskom domu na Trsatu je 0 bodova.“
Moglo bi bolje, ali nije sve ni tako crno.
„Partiji u Akvariju su jako dobro započeli, svakako to preporučam!“
Za vrijeme pandemije, Kont je postao glavno mjesto okupljanja mladih u Rijeci. Zaključujemo da gdje god postoje mladi, postoje i mjesta za zabavu, a Rijeka se još uvijek oporavlja od pandemije.
What do young people think about the nightlife in Rijeka?
According to a survey conducted at the end of 2022, young people who go out in Rijeka are mostly quite dissatisfied with the content that Rijeka offers.
When asked how satisfied they are, on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much), the majority of respondents answered that they were moderately satisfied, that is dissatisfied. A slightly smaller percentage (33.2%) of respondents are more dissatisfied, while 11.5% of respondents are not at all satisfied. That is 3 times more respondents than those at the other extreme (3.8%) who are very satisfied with what the city offers.
Most respondents often or very often replace going out to bars and clubs with gatherings in apartments.
The survey showed that the majority of young respondents listens to pop, trash and turbofolk/folk music. Rijeka offers several active places for guests with these tastes. However, this does not mean that the satisfaction among (turbo)folk music listeners is any higher than among those who do not listen to it.
If we divide the respondents into those who listen to (turbo)folk music and those who don’t listen to it at all, the answers on the scale of satisfaction from 1-5 are about the same, with those who don’t listen to it being just a little less satisfied: 23.2% of (turbo)folk music listeners and 17 .2% of those who do not listen to (turbo)folk music answered with 4 and 5 on the scale, ie that they are satisfied or very satisfied.
Some of the comments from people who, among other genres, listen to (tubro)folk music:
“Terrible nightlife”
“More space is missing, very often we are like sardines and cheaper prices”
“It could all be done much better.”
“We need to open a bigger, better club in Ri! :)”
“I know that the so-called „cajke“(„turbofolk“) is extremely popular, but there are those of us who would like more rock arrangements to be offered to young people”
Comments from people who don’t listen to folk music at all:
“Increase the number of metal, punk and rock concerts, everything else is fine.”
“Less „turbofolk“!”
“More techno culture, less „turbofolk“ :)”
“A club with normal music.”
“Ban „turbofolk“ in all bars”
“If you think that in Rijeka you will be able to go to a concert of a good metal/punk/rock/blues band or go out to some electronic music, for example techno (that’s only in Crkva) or some kind of psytrance, then you better not study in Rijeka (if you’re into music and going out)”
“In Rijeka there is a lack of clubs where you can go out to regularly (eg. that they are open at least half as often as other nightclubs) and dance to something other than „turbofolk“”
“More and more folk music and „turbofolk“😓“
“I think that considering that Rijeka is full of students and young people, there is a lack of places to go out to, since all the mentioned facilities are quite small and there are always too many people in spaces that are too small.”
Obviously, many are dissatisfied with the number of places that only play (turbofolk)folk music, while there is a lack of bars and clubs that regularly play something else.
There is certainly general dissatisfaction among young people when it comes to the options they have for going out in Rijeka. At the beginning of 2023, the iconic night bar Karolina on the Riva closed, and the places in the old town where young people gather the most are quite small.
Rijeka, often credited as a city of rock and/or a student city, does not have enough content for students when it comes to the nightlife. For a student city, most of the spaces that do exist are quite small or (especially if they don’t play (turbo)folk music) don’t have regular events. Apart from the number and size of the clubs, the location is also a problem.
“Proximity and accessibility of clubs to the student dormitory on Trsat is 0 points.”
It could be better, but not everything is so bleak.
“Parties in Akvarij got off to a very good start, I definitely recommend it!”
During the pandemic, Kont became the main gathering place for young people in Rijeka. We conclude that wherever there are young people, there are places to have fun, and Rijeka is still recovering from the pandemic.